Sketchbook Skool!
I'll be teaching a class at Sketchbook Skool this month. Sign up ends April 15th. Come join me for a fun Klass!
Reddit gets drawn b/c I can't sleep
Two drinking at the Bar
Drink n' Draw at Passenger Bar last night.
Went to a Drink n' Draw event at Passenger Bar with Dave. It was pretty good, good motivation to get out the house.
Start of Inktober.
Quick from this weekend, Bushwick rooftop
Miss this little dude. Hope you’re doing ok Murphinator.
Few Blind Contour Drawings from this morning colored in.
Sktchy Blind contours.
Brush Pen Morning, (Before Coffee).
Another night riding.
Cloisters, Sunny Days Ahead
Movie Robots
Nathalie as Sandman's Death.
Did a panel for Pieces Project 2. Pretty fun collab